Why Your Safety Glasses Must Be Doing More Harm Than Good?
Safety glasses are made for the optimal comfort and safety of the wearer. Workplaces ought to accommodate each of their staff members with the right pair of prescription safety glasses for their convenience. When workers refuse to wear safety glasses out of discomfort, it becomes your responsibility as an employer to address the problem and resolve it for their safety. Let us dive deep and find the root cause of the issue and explore its common causes and their solutions. What makes safety glasses cause more harm than good?Wrong tintThe wrong tint can also lead to eye fatigue. The manufacturers of safety eyewear manufacture different tints and shades of lenses for you to make the right choice. Choose tints based on your working environment; if you work indoors and still wear darker tinted lenses, your eyes will have to work harder to see. Similarly, if you are exposed to the sun all day with a tint that is not dark enough to protect your eyes from glare and UV rays will ultimately do more harm than good. Low-quality gearEmployers tend to make the mistake of compromising on quality when purchasing prescription safety glasses for their employees. Such glasses do not last very long and are flimsy. Even their lenses and coatings are affected if left out in the sun. It is more sensible to spend some extra money buying something reliable and long-lasting than to get something that is somewhat risky. Sound quality also ensures good comfort, which ultimately makes employers wear them more regularly, and employees will also be more likely to take care of their protective gear. Moreover, low-quality glasses will have a negative impact on employee productivity as they will be spending most of their time adjusting their glasses or cleaning them. Poor claritypoor optical clarity is another factor that can cause eye strain. Poor clarity may include distortions or color changes. The downside to this is that it is one of the most challenging issues to be recognized by safety professionals and workers. Wearing glasses limit your vision, which may cause peripheral distortion, due to which workers may have issues when looking up, down, or to the sides. Scratched lensesScratched lenses are a cause of eye fatigue. Scratched lenses may not even be visible, but they still cause the eyes to work on overdrive because your muscles are overreacting to filter out the scratches in an attempt to ensure your vision is clear. It is likely to cause wearer frequent eye strain, fatigue, and headaches. It is essential to educate the workers on how to properly care for their prescription safety glasses, especially if they are personalized and can take longer to replace. Situational fitDifferent types of safety glasses exist because different people and different situations call for different safety eyewear. In a nutshell, there is no 'one size fits all' situation when it comes to safety gear. General-use safety glasses usually work fine rather than lenses as they sometimes require switching because of varying light conditions. And other times, it is ideal to have multiple pairs of prescription safety glasses for changing factors like humidity or airflow. Head on to our website, where we have many styles exclusively to cater to your individual needs, find the most reliable prescription safety glasses online from 31 Dollar Glasses. Poor conditionSafety glasses in poor condition will always feel uncomfortable to wear, whether caused by damage, improper care, or long-term use. Glasses that do not work in their optimal condition may cause inferior vision or eye strain. Irrespective of its quality, all safe eyewear has to be replaced eventually. Periodic examination of prescription safety glasses ensures workers have safety glasses in the best working condition for the job. Excessive glareGlare can cause extra tension in the eyes that may lead to headaches and neck and shoulder tension. Glare reduction as a workplace hazard is vital for eliminating problems related to poor vision and eye strain. Eye strain and fatigueMany sources can cause eye strain and fatigue, such as poor lenses, excessive glare, improper fit, and so forth. Eye strain and eye fatigue become the leading cause of headaches and poor vision. Workers will also have to work to adjust posture for remedying poor vision, which can result in neck and back pain. Evaluating an employee's situation personally based on all the mentioned factors will likely reduce the eye strain, fatigue and eliminate most problems. In a Nutshell A variety of problems with safety glasses need to be addressed depending on the unique issues that workers face at work. Solutions like educating employees about taking proper care of their gear go a long way. However, finding the root cause of the problem will eventually help in the long run and help you make a better decision regarding your safety and the safety of your employees. |