Top 10 Good Habits For Prescription Safety Glasses Maintenance
Safety glasses are worn to provide extra protection. Unlike a regular pair of eyeglasses, safety glasses provide more coverage and are often less comfortable to wear. Though the material used in manufacturing safety glasses is often scratchproof and shatterproof, proper regular maintenance is still required to ensure its quality, longevity, and clarity. Here are a few ways to properly maintain your safety glasses. The eyes are among the most important, vulnerable, and sensitive organs in the body. That is why it is critical to always make sure that they are protected against all kinds of possible damages. One way of protecting the eyes is to wear safety glasses. Protective safety glasses are made with either prescription or non-prescription lenses. Prescription safety glasses are usually intended for those people who have specific vision needs. The prescription of the lenses is to be determined by an eye care professional after checking the individual’s vision condition. Non-prescription safety glasses, on the other hand, are designed to protect the eyes of those people who do not have any vision or eye problems that require correction. Safety glasses, regardless of whether it is prescription or non-prescription, are worn to provide extra protection. They are usually used by those people who are working in an environment where they can be exposed to harmful flying debris, heat, manufacturing residue, splashes, dust, sparks, and other particles that can damage the eyes. Safety glasses are also often worn by athletes especially those who are playing sports with a high risk of eye-injury such as basketball, baseball, fencing, cricket, BB gun, paintball, lacrosse, and air rifle, to name a few. Unlike a regular pair of eyeglasses, safety glasses provide more coverage and are often less comfortable to wear. Safety glasses are made with a protective shield, industrial strength glass, and impact-resistant plastic. The best prescription safety glasses also have to conform with a higher standard of impact resistance than regular glasses. Though the material used in manufacturing safety glasses is often scratchproof and shatterproof, proper regular maintenance is still required to ensure its quality, longevity, and clarity. So, how can you properly maintain your safety glasses? Here are a few tips you can follow. Clean the lenses dailyIf you use your safety glasses daily, you need to make sure that you have them cleaned every single day. However, if you don’t use them daily, clean them every after use. For the proper way of cleaning the safety glasses, follow the below steps.
Store your safety glasses properlyOnce you are done cleaning your safety glasses, store them properly in a hard case with a microfiber liner. But before that, make sure that the case is clean as well. You can dust it off to remove the dirt and particles from the case. Then store the hard case in a safe locker or drawer. Clean the sides and the earpiecesUnfortunately, when people clean their safety glasses, they only focus on the lenses. Many people tend to forget cleaning the other areas of the safety glasses like the sides and the earpieces as well. These areas often collect a large amount of grime. The grime will not only make the glasses look and feel dirty, it can as well cause eye infection and problems when it is transferred to the lenses. You can check with your manufacturer to know how to properly clean these areas and what materials are only allowed for the process. The DONT’s you should always remember!There are things that you need to remember when cleaning and handling your safety glasses. These include the following: Never place your safety glasses on your pocket, bag, or anywhere else without putting them first in their hard case to avoid scratching the lenses and damaging the components. Never use any laundry soap, dishwashing liquid, or abrasive cleaning solution in cleaning the glasses especially if they are made with prescription lenses. The lenses are so delicate and these cleaning agents can damage them. Always make sure to use the cleaning solution recommended by the manufacturer. Never use just any kind of cloth, paper towel, toilet tissues, or the like as these materials are quite rough and can cause scratches on the delicate lenses. Always make sure to use manufacturer recommended cloth or if not available, opt for soft microfiber cloth which is intended for lenses. Also remember to clean the microfiber cloth often by hand washing it gently using cold water and a mild detergent. Are you looking for a reliable pair of protective safety glasses? Try Rx Safety Glasses Canada. They offer high quality, trendy, and innovative protective safety glasses at a very affordable price. |