Eye Protection for Work and Sports
Risk of eye injuries is common in both Industrial workplaces and sports, which can be reduced by wearing proper eye protection. Let’s learn why wearing proper eyewear is essential while working and playing sports. Eye protection for work:Eye injuries in the workplace are widespread. Workers suffer from eye injuries on the job are mainly because of two major reasons:
There are several potential eye hazards at work. Workplace eye protection is mandatory when the following risks are present:
There are certain occupations with a high risk for eye injuries include such as construction, manufacturing, auto repair, plumbing, auto repair, mining, welding, electrical work, carpentry, maintenance, etc. It is the duty of the employer to ensure that all the workers have to wear required eye protection while working. There are different types of safety eye protection available and selecting the right one depends on the type of work you are doing.
Employers are also required to take essential steps to make the working environment safe. Some of the basic steps that employers should take include conducting an eye hazard test, removing the eye hazards where possible, minimizing eye hazards, providing quality safety eyewear to the employees making it mandatory to wear on the floor. At RxSafetyGlassesCanada, we aim to reduce the number of workplace accidents by providing sensible eyewear to our customers. If you are managing an industrial business, we are happy to provide personalized safety glasses to your workers at a reasonable price. We also offer easy to wear prescription safety glasses for those who are required to wear corrective eyewear. Eye protection for sports:There was a time when athletes and sportsmen were not so keen on wearing eyewear that is specifically designed for protection, even though the sports-related injuries were common. During that time, the only two features covered in sports eyewear were sun protection and style. Today, sports eyewear can be spotted on every sportsman, whether its a game of baseball, tennis, basketball, volleyball and so forth. Whether the players are plying major leagues or they are just playing on the weekends for fun, they are wearing proper sports glasses that are specifically designed considering the risks of the particular sport. Coaches, players, and parents are now aware of the risk of eye injuries while playing and investing in quality prescription sports glasses is essential. Due to that, the risk of eye injury has significantly reduced. Sports sunglasses or glasses are designed to give comfort to the players. With advanced quality lenses and durable frames, players also considering sports eyewear as an essential accessory to enhance their performance. Many fitness and athletic clubs have made wearing proper sports glasses while playing mandatory. Today, compatible sports glasses are available. Sports glasses and sunglasses can be also worn with the helmets. Any skier, surfer, or rider can find a good pair of sports glasses or sunglasses to add comfort with clear vision. Whether you are playing on a field or riding a bike on a mountain, here are a few reasons why you should invest in proper sports eyewear: