Eye Injury Stumbling Blocks To Watch Out For At a Workplace
Most workplace eye injuries are caused by not wearing proper eye protection. Following the rules and safety measures that are made with the intent of workers' safety will save you from these injuries. However, there are still some stumbling blocks that employers and employees both come across at a workplace. Let us look at what can go wrong even when we think we are fully protected at our workplace. Using safety gear as a safety shortcutAs per the safety authorities, the way to address a workplace hazard is by eliminating the hazard at the source, eliminating it along the path, and eventually eliminating it at the worker. Instead of relying on protective gear, it is much safer to eliminate the hazard altogether or, to the least, keep the workers at a distance from the dangers. Technically, PPE is actually a short-term solution that does not go for the long term. Not being aware of the hazards.Evaluating the potential hazards at a workplace is an important aspect for providing appropriate protection to it. What kind of prescription safety glasses you will need or deciding if you need one in the first place will only be possible after assessing the workplace hazard. A workplace survey may help make the task simpler; it may involve asking what types of accidents have taken place before, what hazards people are reporting at a particular workplace, and whether someone has had an eye injury in recent years. Go through all the necessary processes, inspect, audit, interview to fully understand the workplace hazards. Using safety gear that is not safety approvedThere are fake products on the market that may look exactly like the original ones. Be careful when you buy prescription safety glasses from unreliable sources. Be sure to check if the safety glasses you are buying fit the standards referenced in your occupational health and safety legislation. Wrong lens for the environmental conditionsDifferent lens materials are made to withstand different environmental conditions. The key is in deciding what type of lens is right for what environmental conditions. Get the right pair of safety glasses suitable as per your environmental conditions to avoid the compromised vision that occurs when glasses steam up or frost up in different weather conditions. Getting an improper fitThe concept of “one-size-fits-all” does not work here. However, these days it is not very hard to find the right size for your employees individually or yourself since manufacturers offer them in various shapes and sizes. While you buy prescription safety glasses, make sure they are form fitting to protect the wearer's eyes from liquids and particulates getting in. Inappropriate lenses for the circumstancesThe term "Safety eyewear" can broadly mean a lot of things, so it is essential first to know what yours is meant to provide you protection from. Different lenses of safety glasses serve a different purpose; the lens that protects from chemicals may not be sturdy enough to protect you from a high-speed projectile. The practically bullet-proof lens may not necessarily be able to keep out small, airborne particulates. Research well about prescription safety glasses online, exactly what features will your chosen glasses accommodate before you buy them. Make sure you watch out for tinted glasses as there are always right and wrong applications for tinted glasses. Dark-tinted glasses with the appropriate UV protection rating will often be mandated for outdoor workers. On the other hand, some workplaces abolish tinted lenses as it is hard to through them once you enter an indoor hazardous environment. Wearing glasses where glasses are not enough protectionSome workplaces may have an extremely hazardous environment that even uses safety glasses is not enough; that is when mono goggles or a face shield can provide an optimum level of protection. Sometimes, face shields and safety glasses are also worn together for extreme level protection. Hence, a workplace hazard assessment must clearly set forth what level of protection is needed. Wearing safety glasses everywhere else but eyesSafety glasses are meant for the eyes and not for the head, forehead, or neck, for that matter. Stating it clearly to the employees will save everyone from potential trouble. Ask employees to be always aware and keep safety glasses on throughout the day. Not bothering the employer for yet another replacementProtective eyewear is the need of an employee; they have to be replaced if damaged, scratched, or broken. Employees tend to compromise on the visual clarity and keep hanging onto the scratched or damaged safety glasses longer because they may cost too much to their employer. This threatens the safety of the wearer, who relies simply on a fluke at the moment. |