Easy Steps to Measuring Your Face for Prescription Safety Glasses

Easy Steps to Measuring Your Face for Prescription Safety Glasses

Eyeglasses are the place where style meets work, yet the most promising characteristics of your glasses may not be noticeable in case they are sliding down your face like clockwork.

While there is a couple of eyeglass estimating applications accessible, nothing is more exact than taking the estimations yourself. After only a couple of basic advances, you will be ready to arrange the ideal pair of glasses for your vision.

Your unique style and flair are reflected as a true testament to your eyeglasses. If you wear glasses that do not fit right, it may seem like a nuisance and probably lead to a state where you will not prefer using them as protective equipment.

Prescription safety glasses that are bigger than your actual size would constantly slip while the small ones may fit in too tight causing a headache. In addition, tight prescription safety glasses can also pinch the bridge of your nose creating a mark on the sides and causing constant pain.

While purchasing prescription safety glasses online, it is important to ensure that the pair you order fits the right amount as well as matches your personality.

In this article, we shed some light on the tips you can consider before making an online purchase of your safety glasses. Dive in, to know more.

Measuring The Size Of Your Face For Your Safety Glasses

There is no secret to ordering a perfectly fitting pair of rx safety glasses online. However, a little carefulness can bring you a peaceful purchase along with long-time protection. The frame size bridge with temple length and size of the eyes are some of the factors primarily considered while ordering a pair of glasses online.

  • Measure The Glass Frame Size

Not one, but two different ways to measure the frame size of your safety glasses.

Try finding the frame size of the current glasses you use, only if they fit you well. You can use a measuring tape or a flexible ruler for the same. Keep in mind that safety glasses will be smaller than sunglasses. So, measure the right glasses for the right type of size you seek.

They both may seem to be of the same measurements, given their fittings. However, sunglasses tend to be larger than safety glasses. Every pair of glasses are different and therefore the exact points of measurement may differ from one frame to the other. The points of measurement may not be in the same place as it is in the frame that you order.

As such it is beneficial to look towards the inside of your current frame. The sizes are usually stamped either on the temple or the bridge of the frame. Some models of eyeglass frames also have the measurements stamped on the earpiece. So take a close look, and note down the correct measurements.

  • Measure The Bridge Of Your Nose

The distance between the two lenses is the bridge. If you have your current pair of prescription safety glasses slipping down your nose, it is because the size of your bridge is too large for the nose.

On the contrary, if the bridge is small, the glasses might be causing a headache already. So order a pair that will be comfortable. It’s best to use a mirror or a photo to have a profile view of your face.

If the bridge is situated above your pupils, the measurement may range between 19 to 21 mm. Similarly, if the bridge is below the pupils, the bridge size may range between 16 to 18 mm. If your eyes are farther apart, there is a possibility for a wider bridge size.

Adjust the bridge size accordingly to have a comfortable pair of rx safety glasses.

  • Deciding Temple Length And Face Shape

When ordering prescription safety glasses online, you need to ensure that your glasses fit the temple length to have the correct size of the frame arm.

  • Get The Correct Arm Size

The arms of the rx safety glasses are the two pieces that rest over your ears and hold the glasses in place. The temple of your face will help determine the width to sort out the right-sized arm. If you have a wider temple length, pick frames with arms that are 145 millimeters or more. For those with low temple width, glasses with a 135-140-millimeter arm may go well.

  • Chalk Out Your Face Shape

A mirror can help best to decide whether your face shape is nearest to that of a heart, square, circle, or oval. If you have a square face shape, you might need to choose glasses that have oval or round outlines. On the contrary, if your face is oval, round, or heart-shaped, eyeglasses with a rectangular shape will be a good choice.

  • Circle – This face shape has full cheeks, and the temple and jaw have a comparative width.
  • Square - They have solid facial structures, just as a temple and jaw that are comparative in width.
  • Oval – The face has a tight facial structure and chiseled cheekbones.
  • Heart - The face has enormous temples and tight facial structures.

By following the steps mentioned above, hope it is quick and easy-to-understand the eyeglass sizing guide. You can now order a pair that fits well, make sure to choose a frame that complements your face.

Common FAQ

  • Are Sunglasses A One-Size-Fits-All Investment?

No, one sunglass will not fit all countenances. Eyeglass estimations are explicit. It should not be construed in any manner, that a single pair of glasses can offer all potential benefits. Prescription safety glasses and sunglasses have different functions.

  • How To Pick Glasses That Look Good?

The glass size is just one factor to focus on when picking eyewear online. To guarantee that the glasses you select look great on you, contemplate your face shape.

  • Is It Possible To Fill Prescription Safety Glasses Online?


If you have a prescription from an optometrist, it's not difficult to select a pair of glasses online. Make sure you have the right frame size, temple width, and a recent prescription from an optometrist.